Duration – 2.5 hrs
Cost – $400 per person
Please contact to book
A 101 beginner class is a class designed to teach the new glassblower A – Z in laymen terms so they can easily understand how to put into action to learn specific skill-sets. From tools to glass, safety and studio set up and everything in between. When you leave this class you will have a complete understanding of melting borosilicate glass into functional or glass art varieties of your choice and the tools necessary to do so with a very heavy emphasize on safety and ventilation.
This class will assume you know the torch, safety, materials and have at least a year of practice under your belt. I will cover solid as well as hollow. The pitfalls and tribulations you’ll expect from carving into molten glass. You will learn how to manipulate heavier gathers to mimic movement and flexibility. I live right next to the ocean so oceanic themed sculpture is my love. Sea Turtles, Dolphins, Sharks, Crabs … fun fun fun. I am in the process of the human body so I can pursue Mermaids 8)
After this class you are given 1free hour to go over what you’ve learned. As I’ll be working right beside you as you do asking questions and me watching for mistakes will help you immensely.